Elena after her rework of abilities is a powerhouse of a hero, she can retreat units from battle which is amazing for dwarf players or lich players who want to save their spiders or tanks from dying. She also provides a magic damage reduction aura to all allied units which is amazing. Like Avalon and Virion, she also can summon units in this case she summons Calvary to the battlefield, using her Avalon and Virion’s summon in the same battle will probably in most cases guarantee your victory. Elena is my personal favorite unite because of what she is capable of doing and I just love her design as a character alongside Avalon.

Strategic Retreat
Elena commands allied troops to withdraw from the battlefield, to prevent further losses. Using this ability does not affect other ability cooldowns. This ability can be used X times per battle with a cooldown of X seconds between each use.
This ability does not share cooldown with other hero abilities, thus this skill is amazing and you should use it. It can save you a lot of resources and hospital time, got a catapult about to die during a siege? NOPE. Got a tank that’s going to die? NOPE again. This is my favorite skill in the game.

Call the Cavalry (costs 1 energy)
Elena summons X Chargers to assist in battle. Can summon Lancers at ability level 4. Can summon Templars after achieving ability level 8. Troops level based on Command
Amazing skill second only to Summon archer.

Saving Lives
Elena boosts the troop injury rate by 1%, saving more troops from death in battle.
Maxing this skill and having Vega’s saving lives at 8/7 as well and having +10 injury reduction as a bonus perk from King’s Court allows you to have 96% recovery chance while in enemy lands!

Cavalry Specialist
Elena excels at leading Chargers into battle. When she is on the battlefield, all allied Chargers, Lancers, and Templars have damage and max HP increased by X%. (32% at 8/7)
If you are using cavalry get this skill period.

Ready and Willing
Elena has outstanding skills and incredible insight, causing her to receive an additional X% EXP.
Great for getting Elena ahead in the early game get two points into this skill maybe 3 and then respec her abilities after she’s level 25 or so and put those 3 points to better use, or just keep it and level her to 50 a bit faster.

Magic Resistance
Elena hails from a magical bloodline that empowers her to resist the effects of magic. When she is on the battlefield, the magic damage taken by all allied units is reduced by X%
This skill is amazing it is 50% at rank 5/4. That’s right ALL units become magical creates with Elena on the battlefield, nothing will stop your army with this aura active, not except Jacques.

Building Elena
Get 3 points in strategic retreat if you use any siege weapons or mech units like tanks, or even spiders. This ability allows you to minimize losses and this is huge as it can literally save you over 100k gold in one battle. After that max Summon Calvary. Max Calvary specialist next if you are human if not you can opt for ready and Willing.

You want to attempt to keep Elena’s final skill as high level as possible but the last 2 ranks are very expensive so shooting for 2 + her item that gives +1 to that ability is good enough.

Equipping Elena
Get all of her specialty items such as the +1 to summon +1 to magic resistance +1 to Calvary specialist. The other 3 items should be legendries that provide a lot of Command or use 3/6 Avalon set.